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ProTeam Spa Filter Clean

Available Sizes Pint (12 per case)

A spa filter removes a lot of stuff from your spa, most of which you cannot see. ProTeam Spa Filter Clean helps remove all the things that a spa filter grabs, such as body oil, dead skin, dirt, and grease. Regular cleaning of your filter will keep your water beautiful.


  • Increases the life of the spa filter
  • Improves the filters performance
  • Compatible with all sanitizing systems


  • Use Filter Clean to soak your filters clean or spray and rinse
  • Method 1) Mix 16 ounces to 2.5 gallons of water and submerge the filter. Soak filter for 30 minutes or longer, remove and rinse.
  • Method 2) Spray Filter Cleaner into the pleats of the filter. Allow the cleaner to stand for 15 minutes and rinse.
  • Typically Filter Clean should be used monthly.
  • Sanitizing system, frequency of spa use, filter size, and other factors may require more or less frequent use.
ProTeam Spa Filter Clean

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